For most of us, our first memorable visit to the dentist involved the discovery and subsequent filling of a cavity. Whether too much Halloween candy was to blame, or fooling our folks by running the toothbrush under the tap instead of actually brushing, fillings were not fun.
Cavities that required fillings during childhood and adolescence often account for some of the anxiety adults feel at the prospect of fillings or even a routine dental cleaning.

Keep Calm and Fill the Void
If you fall into this camp, you needn’t worry. The Crown Dental team is committed to providing our patients with the royal treatment and that includes easing any fears or tension you feel about your visit.
You won’t find a more sympathetic listener than Nancy, our dental hygienist. With each patient, Nancy takes the time to explain what she is doing, step-by-step. Letting her know of your anxiety ahead of time will alert her to take the pace even slower, checking in with you from start to finish.
As you listen, check out the illustrated world map on the ceiling and imagine yourself on a white sandy beach or skiing the Alps — whatever defines your dream destination.
The 411 on Fillings
Most adults didn’t make it through their childhood and adolescence without at least one cavity that required a filling. As it turns out, bad dental habits and questionable nutrition choices aren’t the only culprits that can cause cavities requiring fillings.
Unfortunately, some of us are genetically predisposed to developing cavities more so than others. No matter the reason, fillings are fast and effective fixes for these often painful pockets.
Fillings typically refer to addressing an area of decay. Sometimes referred to as a cavity filling, this procedure requires a specific material, often a resin, to fill in and fix a tooth. There are various types of cavity fillings, including amalgam fillings and composite fillings. A consultation with your dentist will determine which type of filling is right for you, and if bonding can help prevent cavities in the future.
Don’t let a painful cavity stop you from smiling. Contact Crown Dental today for a cleaning and consult to find the filling that fits your needs.